Good Morning,

After graduating from Greenville, Michigan High School I reported to Great
Lakes RTC in June of 1960. Was in Company 261 but got out of a lot of the
drill and galley duty because I could play the saxophone in the band. Great
memories of 3.2 beer in Milwaukee and State St in Chicago.

>From Great Lakes to NATTC Memphis for AT "A"  school. Cinderella Liberty, the
Salvation Army locker club and a night at Grace land are fond memories of

>From Memphis to San Diego to spend my only days aboard a ship during my
enlistment in the Navy. Spent 5 days filling salt shakers on our way to Pearl
Harbor and on to Barbers Point and good ole AEWBARRONPAC.

Went to code school and after graduation into F32 Commanded by Lcdr. R.J.
McManaman. Flew as Paul McCleland's 2nd dit until Paul got out and I made 1st
radioman. Bob Stranges was my 2nd most of the time. We in F32 were the
"Flying Huneybuckets" and wore straw vaudeville hats until we were told only
to wear those things on the plane. Took all the fun out of it. Later flew
with F30, commanded by D.A. "Buck" Rodgers.

I don't remember which crews were involved but we participated in the
Johnston Is. Nuclear Tests, flew escort for Pres. Kennedy when he visited the
Japanese Prime Minister in Hawaii in 1962 as well a couple of diversions to
Japan in early 63.

I also operated KM6BI at Midway and KH6DUV at the hanger at BBP and ran a lot
of phone patches. Also played on the Barbers Point football team. Who
remembers that? It was an 8 man team I believe.

All in all accumulated 4,000 hrs and had a great time in the Barrier. I was
discharged at Treasure Island and drove my TR3 home.

Upon returning home met and married JoAnne, my bride of 34 years in 1965.                                             We have 2 children and currently reside near Detroit, MI. We also have a place at Canadian Lakes, MI.

I am a Regional Sales Manager for Lebanon Seaboard Corporation. My wife is in advertising
sales. I recently doubled my sea time during a Tiger cruise with my son
aboard the USS Independence out of Yokosuka, Japan. The Navy today is much
different than our Navy.

1999 was my last year, after 21 years, of refereeing college and high school
football and basketball.

Jo Anne and I are really looking forward to our reunion in October. We can
drink brewski's, not as much as in the past and tell a lot of lies.

Remember the "Breaks of Naval Air", better known as "Skid Marks in the Sky".

See Ya,

Jack Weber